Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Bright, Optimistic Young Man

There was once a bright, optimistic young man who lived a life of excitement in a grand metropolis. One morning, he stood on the vibrant platform of a subway station, awaiting the train that would speed him onward to the adventures of the day. Suddenly, as the speeding train approached, he felt himself heave forward, onto the perilous rails of the train track. He reached desperately for the friend that had been standing beside him on the platform, but to no avail.  He simply could not reach.

At the last possible moment he hoisted himself onto the platform.  “This is a dangerous situation,” he thought to himself. “I’m going to have to leave this city if I want to survive.” And he did.

One afternoon, the bright, optimistic young man was enjoying a walk through a quiet village town.  He came upon a bridge built above a rapidly rolling river. Crossing the bridge, he enjoyed the sound of the surging water. Suddenly, he lost his balance and sailed over the railing of the bridge into the water below.  As he fought against being swallowed by the waves, he reached for his friend, who still stood on the bridge above, but to no avail.  He simply could not reach.

Finally, he grabbed on to a nearby branch and pulled himself to the safety of the shore. As he struggled to regain his breath, he thought, “This situation is as dangerous as the last.  I’m going to have to leave this village if I want to survive.” And he did.

Determined to survive, the bright, optimistic young man climbed high into the serene mountains. Early in the evening, he stood on the edge of a cliff to take in the awesome view that spread before him. As suddenly as before, he lost his footing and slipped from the edge of the cliff.  He caught himself before falling to the jagged rocks below. As he hung helplessly, high above the world, he reached for the friend who had been standing on the cliff beside him, but to no avail. He simply could not reach. 

“Why doesn’t my friend reach out to me?” He thought to himself desperately.  He remembered that each time he had fallen he had pulled himself to safety while his friend stood idly by. The dazzling city, the bucolic village and the majestic mountains had not betrayed him.  They had been constant and true to their natures…but the friend had not. He realized that, each time he had fallen, he had been pushed.

You see, not all relationships and situations are beneficial to our well being. Some are destructive. We must be able to recognize when we are being taken advantage of and when we are being abused. Too often we allow this behavior to happen because we are blinded by friendship and love. We try to justify the other person’s behavior because, in our hearts, we truly believe the situation will change. In our minds, however, we know that it will not. We all have the ability to accept, to love and to forgive. We forget that we also have the ability to walk away.

Finally, the bright, optimistic young man mustered enough strength to pull himself back onto the cliff.  He dusted himself off and he walked away, leaving his friend behind. 

“I’m going to have to find some new friends if I want to survive,” he thought to himself. And he did.


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